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AKZ Plus 13 Foot Umbrella

Introducing the 13 foot AKZ Plus Umbrella - the perfect combination of style and function! This premium umbrella is designed to provide maximum shade and protection from the sun, while also adding a touch of elegance to your outdoor space. Crafted from high-quality materials, this umbrella features a durable aluminum frame and a fade-resistant quality fabric. The innovative auto tilt function allows you to easily adjust the angle of the canopy to provide optimal shade through the day. With its large 9ft diameter and sleek, modern design, this luxury umbrella is the perfect addition to any outdoor living space. Whether you're relaxing by the pool or hosting a backyard barbecue, the 13 foot AKZ Plus Umbrella has you covered.


More about this product

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Powder coated aluminum 
  • 100% Kevlar mesh lift cord for added strength and durability 
  • Foot pedal to easily rotate umbrella 360 degrees 
  • Infinite front to back tilt: Up to 40 degrees back tilt 
  • Tilts left and right at 18-, 36-, and 54-degree angles 
  • Built in light adapter to fit Treasure Garden lights 
  • Includes protective cover 
What's Included:
  • Umbrella Frame and Canopy Only.
  • 32” bottom Pole.
What Needs to be Purchased Separately:
  • Umbrella Base – Recommend 50Lbs or heavier.
  • 36" or 45" Bar Height pole – if needed for taller tables.

For More Information, reference the pricelist below.

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