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White Carrara Marble Rectangular Fire Table


Extend your outdoor entertaining well into the evening with Sunset West contemporary fire tables. A natural White Carrara Marble top sits atop a frost white aluminum cabinet on our Carrara Fire Tables.

DISCONTINUED ITEM - please check stock, limited inventory remaining.

SKU SW6706-FT6030

All Fire Table burners are rated from 55,000 - 100,000 BTUs. The pan burner is made from 304 stainless steel.


All Fire tables feature a separate starter switch and flame controls. All fire tables come standard with a 10 foot hose to connect to an external propane (LP) source and glass bead media for the burner and include components to convert to natural gas (NG). All fire tables carry a UL/CUL rating. 

The Crystal Fire® Plus burner series has been tested in accordance to ANSI Z21.97-2017 / CSA 2.41-2017 and has been listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL LLC) for installation and operation per the installation and operating instructions of the burner manual.

Auto Shut Off detection feature applicable per UL LLC standards.

Glass surround shown sold separately.

L60" x W30" x H18"

Weight 207lbs

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